Monday, February 6, 2012


77. the feeling of accomplishment after working hard
78. the Body-bugg strapped to my arm counting calories burned
79. a spur of the moment park trip with the kiddos
80. pushing Rachel on the swings so as she said, "I can see God."
81. watching Caleb using great strategies on his own: process of elimination, inference, etc.
82. Jeremiah finished his phonics book - "hallelujah!"
83. The Hundred Dresses read aloud & discussion
84. chips & salsa
85. catching up with good friends
86. a fabulous gift - matching infinity scarfs for Rachel & I
87. speaking at adoption group
88. hubby saying he's proud of me :-)
89. a beautiful bracelet
90. a dinner date with BOY
91. meaningful conversations with my Love
92. my parents, siblings, and kiddos all together
93. text messages
94. unleashing a love revolution
95. movie theatre popcorn
96. the Chipmunk induced chuckles of my kiddos
97. accountability

1 comment:

Laura said...

#80-so sweet. I do think they often literally see things we do not...
Savored every moment of your list.