Tuesday, February 28, 2012

"The Farmers" & "The ABC's"

 The boys...

 and the girls of our DRASTIC Co-op.

January and February was a wonderful time of making music together.  In my K-1 class, we sang and danced to folksongs as well as some praise and worship songs.  We studied instruments of the orchestra and read some music themed literature.  Also, we learned to write, read, and perform rhythms composed of eighth, quarter, and half notes and rests.  Most of all, we had such fun with the rhythm instruments.  

 My sweet K-1 class ready to make music.

Our final class together, we did some improvisation/composition.  We split into two groups and the kids came up with their own song to be performed for the others.  Following a quick mini-lesson on concert etiquette, self-named as "The Farmers" and "The ABC's," the kiddos took the fictional stage to strut their stuff.  They were too cute!

 "The Farmers" performing.

"The ABC's" take the stage.

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