Tuesday, July 3, 2012

A Break to Monkey Around

Mommy guilt it tough.  Working Mom, work-at-home Mom, stay-at-home Mom, I'm beginning to realize that none of us are immune or seem to escape it.  With the dreaded heat, the kids have been unable to play outdoors as much as they like.  Then, I've been up to my elbows in dust and dirt cleaning/purging/decluttering the house getting it ready to go on the market, so I've been somewhat elusive and unavailable.  Therefore, my children have been entertained by rectangles for the past week.  TV, DSi, XBOX... the dreaded rectangles.  Hopefully, the kids brains haven't completely rotted and turned to mush.

Most likely, we would have been wise to tackle yet another to-do project over the weekend, but we ALL needed a break.  So... to Monkey Joe's we headed.  The kids had such a good time bouncing, sliding, running, and jumping.  It was good to see them being the active kids they are rather than the couch potatoes circumstances seemd to allow them to become. 

It was still pretty hot, so playtime wasn't as long as usual.  However, it was a much enjoyed and appreciated family outing.  Less than two weeks away, Jon heads to Nashville to start his new job.  We have lots and lots to accomplish between now and then, but we also know we must have some fun, family time too!

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