Saturday, January 14, 2012

John 3:16 & Football

No, I'm not a football fan.  However, from living with my hubby all these years, I've managed to view a few minutes here and there.  One thing I've come to understand, undoubtedly, there is always a shirtless dude with John 3:16 painted on his chest or someone holding up an enormous sign probably completely annoying those who happen to have seats behind him. 

Well, tonight, Focus on the Family did one better.  Rather than holding up a sign for millions to see, they shared a 30 second commercial.  I love, love, love all the beautiful children - all so very precious in HIS sight - sharing God's message to us all.  He sacrificed His one and only son.  Why?  Because He soooo  LOVED each and every one of us.  In fact, LOVED us enough to give us everlasting life. 

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