Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Time4Learning Review

Time 4 Learning is a very versatile online educational curriculum as it can stand alone, supplement, remediate, or provide learning extensions based on the needs of your children.  This program can be used in the home to accompany the traditional school setting or to promote retention over school breaks and summer.  In our case, through our 30-day trial membership, we used it in the day-to-day operations of our homeschool. 

Animated character, Ed Mouse served as the narrator for the learning activities by reading directions, asking questions, re-directing when items were answered incorrectly, and celebrating when all was correct.  Admittedly, this Momma was not enthused by the high-pitched, synthesized rodent vocals, but ALL 3 of my children were HUGE fans.  They loved the immediate and enthusiastic re-enforcement of a job well done.

In our trial, Rachel used the Pre-K curriculum.  She enjoyed the music, stories, and activities very much.  She learned about transportation, foods, colors, numbers, and letters.  My boys used the Kindergarten curriculum.  The majority of their time was spent on math lessons focusing on size, patterns, basic numerals, and simple equations.

Not just for young children, the Time 4 Learning curriculum provides interactive fun for students PreK-8th grade.  See the scope and sequence here as well as try a demo lesson.  The subject areas included in this online program are Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies.  Also included is a parent login page where the children's progress can be tracked and monitored. 

During a month where we dealt with multiple illnesses, it was nice to have this activity in the rotation to maintain quality learning. It was a substitute when Mommy wasn't up to par, and it also allowed for Mommy to care for a sick little one without disrupting learning for everyone.  I was very pleased in this respect.

Overall, this product was a great addition to our homeschooling day.  It allowed for the kids to have some autonomy and work independently, yet it still provided the immediate feedback and guidance they need.  Best of all, the kiddos truly enjoyed it.

For more information you can check out the links below:

Free Lesson Demos

Scope and Sequence

Lesson Plans

Parent Forum

Disclosure: I received a free 30 day Trial for review on my blog. The opinions shared are honest and have not been influenced by the company or the free product provided.

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